- Psychic Art

The most beautiful book ever written about the art of Spirit. It covers generations of spiritual art channeled through the artist. It's a must read and will keep you amazed throughout! Ann Bridge Davies is a spiritual artist and so she knows the wonder of this fantastic gift. Well researched and extremely well written. You will love it! (I'm in it..woohoo!)
Click on image to go to Amazon
Click on image to go to Amazon
The world of ancestral healing opens up possibilities for mind, body, soul, and spirit wellness you’ve never imagined. The Ancestors Within offers a collection of life-changing experts’ stories and practical tools in the field of ancestral healing so you can understand what’s possible and experience improved health, wealth, and happiness.
The Ancestors Within, Discover and Connect with Your Ancient Origins is a collaboration that brings the best of the world’s ancestral healing professionals together to help you understand how to open up a magical door to a better life, mind, body, and soul.
Click on image to go to Amazon
Some Beautiful Art by these beautiful people!
Adam McLean's Site - Amazing!
Magicielle - The site of a wonderful healer and healing experience. Click on image to go to website. Has a new app that is out now called, Tarot tests your knowledge on Tarot, while teaching you at the same time. Press here!
Tarot, Birth Cards, and You - Keys to Empowering Yourself: A beautifully written, and delightfully illustrated book about tarot, created by two of the most beautiful souls I know, Bonnie Cehovet and Karyn Easton. The images are from the 'Tarot Lovers Tarot' and are truly beautiful and inspiring to say the least. I will post a link to them as soon as they become available, as I cannot wait to own a deck myself.

Bonnie Cehovet's site: If you love Tarot, you will love this site, Bonnie is an inspired writer and her blogs are written from the soul.

Karyn Easton's site: is just overflowing with information, if you want to know about anything to do with Tarot, the paranormal, and much more, just click on Karyn's name.
Mary Nale's Blog: You will love this site! It's full of delightful information about Tarot and has links to her radio show that is just so much fun to listen to. Pop in and say hello, she's a lovely soul.
A wonderful place for finding mediums, tarot readers and anything spiritual.